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5 Best Questions to Ask in an Interview That Will Leave a Lasting Impression

July 24, 2024

Asking insightful questions in an interview not only demonstrates your genuine interest in the position but also helps you evaluate if the company is the right fit for you. Here are five standout questions that can leave a lasting impression on your interviewer:  

1. What are the top three focus areas for the new person earning this role?

This question shows that you are eager to understand the immediate impact portions of this role. Plus, it allows you to assess if the job aligns with your skills and interests.


2. How will you measure success in this role?

By asking this, you demonstrate your commitment to excelling in the position. It helps you understand the key performance indicators and expectations, ensuring you can align your efforts with the company’s goals.


3. Please tell me about the team I will be working with?

Showing interest in your potential colleagues highlights your appreciation for teamwork and collaboration. It also provides insight into the team dynamics and the type of people you will be interacting with daily.


4. What are the company’s biggest challenges right now, and how does this role contribute to overcoming them?

This question indicates that you are thinking strategically about the company’s future and your potential role in it. It also helps you understand the broader context of the position and the impact you can make.


5. In five years from my start date, how would you see my role evolving?

Inquiring about growth and development opportunities shows that you are motivated to improve and advance within the company. It also signals to the interviewer that you are considering a long-term commitment to the organization.


In Conclusion

Asking these questions can leave a positive, lasting impression on your interviewer by showcasing your enthusiasm, strategic thinking, and commitment to both personal and company growth.

For more information on how we can assist you with making a lasting impression, please visit Percipio Workforce Solutions or call us at (816) 668-8853.

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About Jim Roy
Des Moines, IA

Jim has 25 years of experience in the fields of staffing, recruiting, and human resources. After touring over 2,100 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in his career, Jim has developed workforce best practices that can be utilized to improve retention and reduce turnover. The staffing industry allowed Jim to learn many lessons in business, ranging from staff management to recruiting techniques and a healthy dose of acquisition activity. Jim earned his Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and is the proud father of three girls.

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