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Effective Onboarding

June 10, 2024

Successful onboarding is a crucial part of integrating new employees into your organization, setting the tone for their future engagement and retention. By paying special attention to the FIRST 15 MINUTES of a new hire’s experience, and extending this careful consideration throughout their onboarding period, organizations can significantly improve employee satisfaction and retention.


The FIRST 15 MINUTES of a new hire’s experience can set the stage for their entire tenure with the company. Here’s how to make it count: 

1. Evaluate Current Practices: Assess how your organization currently welcomes and integrates new employees.

2. Define the FIRST 15 MINUTES: Create a detailed plan for the initial moments of a new hire’s experience.

3. Implement Best Practices: Extend these practices to include training schedules, touchpoints, and leadership meetings.

4. Enhance Talent Acquisition: Use an excellent onboarding experience to boost your organization’s reputation and attract top talent.

5. Clarify Roles: Differentiate between HR responsibilities and managerial duties in the onboarding process.

Orientation VS Onboarding

Understanding the difference between orientation and onboarding is essential:

Orientation Onboarding
  • One-time Event: Usually lasts a few hours or days.
  • Group Setting: Often conducted with multiple new hires.
  • Focus on Essentials: Covers basic company policies and procedures.
  • Part of Onboarding: Initial step in the broader onboarding process.
  • Extended Period: Can last weeks or months.
  • Role-Specific: Tailored to the new hire’s job.
  • Progressive Information: Gradual build-up of detailed knowledge.



Why It Matters

  • Decision to Stay: 86% of new employees decide whether to stay within the first few months.
  • Impact of Induction: 22% cite proper onboarding as a key factor in their decision to remain.
  • Long-Term Retention: 58% are more likely to stay for over three years if they complete a structured onboarding program.

THE FIRST 15 Overview

1.  Warm Welcome

2.  Company Swag

3.  Workstation Setup

4.  Leadership Exposure

5.  Work Buddy

6.  First Week Plan

1. Warm Welcome: Roll Out The Welcome Mat

  • Greet them at the Door: Meet your new hire personally.
  • Tour the Space: Show them around, including break areas and amenities.
  • Team Introduction: Inform the team about the new hire with some fun facts to spark conversations.
  • Special Touch: Display a welcome message on a screen or sign.

2. Company Swag: Part Of The Team

  • Branded Swag: Provide company merchandise.
  • Thoughtful Extras: Include gift cards to local spots and display these items at their workstation or send them in advance.

3. Workstation Setup: Ready To Go Right Away

  • Technology Ready: Ensure all devices are set up and programs installed.
  • Credentials Provided: Have passwords and login details ready.
  • Supplies Available: Equip their workspace with necessary office supplies and safety equipment.

4. Leadership Exposure: Opportunities Await

  • Meet Leadership: Arrange a brief interaction with a leader to show investment in their role and fit within the company.

5. Work Buddy: A “Go To” For The Ins And Outs

  • Assign a Buddy: Pair the new hire with an experienced colleague for support with questions and basic training.
  • Facilitate Integration: The buddy helps with introductions and organizing social interactions.

6. First Week Plan: What to Expect After The First 15

Following the initial 15 minutes, ensure the new hire is well-informed about what to anticipate throughout their first week, including:

  • Initial job tasks and expectations.
  • A well-defined training schedule.
  • Upcoming meetings they are expected to attend.
  • Clear understanding of their colleagues and their roles.

Assist them in achieving early success while minimizing the risk of unfulfilled expectations for both yourself and the new hire.

Sample Schedule: The First 15

  • Minutes 0-1: Greet at the door.
  • Minutes 2-6: Tour the space and introduce the work buddy.
  • Minutes 7-10: Show the workspace and provide swag.
  • Minutes 11-15: Introduce leadership and review the first week’s plan.

Beyond The First 15: The Next Weeks, Months, and Beyond

Continue building a relationship with your new hire through regular touchpoints and informal check-ins, in addition to formal one-on-one meetings.

Check-In Questions

  • How are you feeling?
  • Do you see how your position fits into the larger picture?
  • What surprises you about the organization so far?
  • Who are you building connections with? Who has been helpful?

One-On-One Questions

  • What is your preferred style of feedback?
  • In what ways would you like to receive praise?
  • What could I, as a manager, do better?
  • How do you want to provide feedback upwards?

In Conclusion

Effective onboarding, starting with an impactful FIRST 15 MINUTES, sets a strong foundation for new hires, ensuring they feel welcomed, prepared, and valued. This strategic approach not only enhances the new hire’s experience but also strengthens the organization’s overall talent retention and acquisition efforts.

For more information on how we can assist with your onboarding initiatives, please visit Percipio Workforce Solutions or call us at (816) 668-8853.

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About Jim Roy
Des Moines, IA

Jim has 25 years of experience in the fields of staffing, recruiting, and human resources. After touring over 2,100 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in his career, Jim has developed workforce best practices that can be utilized to improve retention and reduce turnover. The staffing industry allowed Jim to learn many lessons in business, ranging from staff management to recruiting techniques and a healthy dose of acquisition activity. Jim earned his Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and is the proud father of three girls.

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