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Pursuit of the “Perfect Candidate”

July 8, 2024

Focusing on Potential for Hiring Success

Hiring the right candidate for a job is a crucial aspect of any organization’s success. It’s our life’s work to recruit and share our best candidates with our client partners.  However, the pursuit of the “perfect” candidate often seems like an elusive goal. Employers often believe that finding someone who perfectly matches every criterion in the job description is the key to hiring success. However, it’s our experience that the “perfect” candidate doesn’t exist and we need to adopt a more realistic and effective approach to hiring.

The concept of a “perfect” candidate is a myth. While job descriptions outline specific qualifications and skills, expecting a candidate who ticks every box flawlessly is unrealistic. The truth is that no candidate is perfect, and focusing solely on finding perfection can lead to missed opportunities for hiring talented individuals.

With our 30-year background in recruiting and retention, we focus with our clients on the opportunity to turn a qualified candidate into a stellar employee.  Some things to consider:

  • Potential over experience:
    Rather than solely focusing on a candidate’s experience, consider their potential to grow and adapt. A candidate with the right attitude, eagerness to learn, and willingness to take on challenges can be an asset to your organization.
  • How do you determine potential? Behavioral interviewing: 
    Conduct behavioral interviews to understand how candidates handle real-world situations. Assess their problem-solving abilities, work ethic, and interpersonal skills through situational questions.
  • Creating realistic job descriptions:
    Craft job descriptions that outline the essential skills and qualifications without imposing unnecessary requirements. This will attract a broader pool of candidates.
  • Airtight onboarding and training plan:
    The right candidate can get off the ground quickly with an effecting onboarding program and well-designed training plan.  Showing your new hire that your business is different and better than anywhere they have worked before is a valuable way to turn qualified candidates in to “rock stars.”
  • Learn from mistakes:
    Even with a well-thought-out hiring process and onboarding process, mistakes can happen. Learn from any hiring missteps and continuously refine your approach to attract the right talent.

In Conclusion

The pursuit of the “perfect” candidate is unrealistic. Our 30 years of recruiting experience show that focusing on a candidate’s potential, rather than a flawless match to a job description, yields better hires. By emphasizing adaptability, realistic job descriptions, and robust onboarding, we can turn promising candidates into exceptional employees. Continuous improvement in our hiring approach ensures we attract and retain top talent for our clients.

Contact Percipio Workforce Solutions Today

If you’re looking for your next fit or want to learn more about our hiring process, stop into our Des Moines, IA office located at 4214 Fleur Drive, Suite 15, or contact us today!

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